Some pictures I managed to take when the bus slowed down:22/3/2010Theory test 1 and tour of the ECO cityTheory test 1 today, I came to class armed with nothing. Borrowed a pen and did my test. I hope the results come out well and I don’t fail the test or anything like that. I hope everybody did well, so there is no failure rate in the group.Moving onHad an ecocity tour today. The guide who came with us seemed to know much about Singapore, and he was proud of it too! I think Singapore left a very good impression with the locals, and when the shopkeepers and man on the street we interact with learn that we’re from Singapore, they seem even friendlier to us and sometimes offer us discounts. Talk about first impression, we sure do leave a good one.Even on the bus, when the guide learnt that we never had a proper city tour, he asked the driver to slow down when the highway goes past parts of the city, like the sports stadiums and skyscrapers, allowing us to take photos even on the road.
A rather lopsided picture of the "Water droplet". It's actually a stadium where the football matches of the Beijing 2008 Olympics were held. Even with the bus slowed down I still take a slanted picture. Gee Whiz.
The best part was that the other vehicles on the road didn’t seem to mind and nobody honked at us for blocking their lane. They just simply drove round the bus. In Singapore, if you did that, the driver behind would probably curse and swear.That’s a totally different reaction to the same situation. In china, there is a strong idea of community and family, much emphasis is placed on it. In Singapore, such a culture is not so strong, and there is a “me” thing going on, especially in my peers. I think after I return from this trip, my thinking and perception might have changed completely. There is so much in their thinking that we can learn to adapt into ours. I also learn to live less indulgingly, buying what I only need and learning to use things slowly, for the store to buy things isn’t located exactly downstairs, but a walk away. Neither do I have the luxury to tap into the housekeeping fund, nor can I borrow from somebody.When the bus pulled outside the welcome centre at the eco city, we saw the flag on top of a flag pole;
Can you see the flag? It's the taller flagpole on the left. I still can't zoom on the flags too much, they make it look ugly. The picture's still slanted, and neither is it a rather flattering one as well. Why can't I take a good photo?
it felt exceptionally heartwarming to feel that Singaporeans overseas are being remembered. And the flag may not seem significant to them, but it is of great importance to us.
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I don't like this photograph. It's real, the fast pace of Chinese construction that I don't know if anyone actually lives there. But it appears that someone is buying apartments, hence they are building them. Why can't people just buy what they need and wouldn't that make life easier? At least housing would be affordable for all and not at ridiculously sky high prices. WHY?
Road shot again. Vehicle in foreground, buildings at the back. What am I supposed to say about this photograph?? Blurred shot of the highway underpass. They are much more arty than us Singaporeans. Even their underpasses come with symmetrical geometrical patterns. Ours just look normal. That's something wrong. Looking normal isn't accepted in my town.
A cleaner's bicycle cart parked outside a big building. Progress is a strange thing. It may drive things forward, but it doesn't change who you are.
I don't know what that building is. Is that the welcome centre? It's not written anywhere-.-
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