Friday, 27 May 2011

Blow by Blow- 3 april

2nd last Sunday spent in Tianjin city. 10 of us originally decided to go to the Italian food street, but we ended up in the 滨江道 again. And sad to say I ended up buying a shirt, vest and a pair of boots.
Gr. I need to learn to manage my finances.
Is there something to write for today?

Today my family would probably be gathering for 清明. Everybody except me, cause I’m stuck in china. This year’s 清明 is very important to my family. You wouldn’t feel good to know that you’re missing out on something, where your presence would be paramount. It’s like someone taking the blame for the wrong you did, I need to go to mandai after I come back. Guilt ridden, that’s what I am, for being unable to fulfill the basic responsibilities as a daughter.
Tuesday will be even harder on me. I’m supposed to be in Singapore, but I miscalculated the dates and I thought I will be back when 清明 rolls around the corner. Even the shops I visit around the hotel started selling offerings 2 weeks ago. I guess no matter the place, the Chinese values still remain in place. Time will tell if my parents did their job well.
I know physically I’m here. But my heart took a plane trip back, long, long time ago. I don’t know if they should be glad to read about this.
I’m going home. I’m going home soon. 
 Nothing happened much on that day. Didn't go and venture out as usual. There are no photos either-.- 
Photo days are coming soon!

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