Saturday, 29 December 2012

Darmstadt - 118

After yesterday's high episode,

Went to Lacock Abbey and Village. Here are some photos.

 Went up to the house, and they had old belongings of the previous owners on display. I really like this vintage typewriter, with its button keys, ink roll of paper.. it trained you to type correctly because errors made were extremely costly and you only wanted to get things done once and correctly.
 Piano maker who built their piano. I have never heard of this maker, but the font is sure pretty.

In case you're wondering why Lacock Abbey sounds so familiar, this is the reason why:
 They used the Abbey for filming Harry Potter (the first 2 films), during the classroom scenes. All Harry Potter film fans know where to converge next time. You also can stand in the corridors and do a pose of your favourite character.

This is the village of Lacock, with most of the walls in stone or slate, and the yellow house in the middle of nowhere. It's relatively small, and there are no markings on the road or satelite dishes for television. It certainly draws alot of visitors, even in the winter.
Coffee Shop board. I like the writing on it, with the brush strokes, angles and spacing.

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