Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Darmstadt - 122

Flight back to Frankfurt.

Walked through Immigrations and customs like a boss again. People turn all jittery and nervous when they're about to board a plane: afraid of losing their baggage, afraid of terrorists hijack, afraid of air accidents, trying to impress some cute fellow traveler.. and the list goes on and on.

Will you all people relax and carry whatever stuff you need on hand before you start digging for it?
I used to make that mistake, until an airport where I was reminded people to "have your travel documents on hand".

Tip: Carry your air ticket and passport in a clear plastic folder. Open up the passport to the page of identification and slot it along with the ticket. This gives people information they need immediately: Identity of passenger, flight number, seat number, boarding time, gate number...
And no one will try and scrutinize every letter of your name to be some cryptic clue, in fact, it may be an icebreaker for your fellow traveler.

Tip: Don't bring your laptop if you don't need it. Once a laptop is brought, there's a lot more of packing and unpacking to be done at the scanners. If you do need access to a computer, there will be PC terminals available at your destination. What's the point of a holiday if you're going to sit in front of a screen most of the time?

Tip: Dress appropriately.
The plane is neither a fashion runway with costume changes every 5 minutes. Nor your bedroom where you can turn up in pajamas and walk your way through. It is also not a beach or the poles, so leave your too-short shorts or fur coats in the bag. Haven't you heard? Too outstanding also draws attention.
Boot wearers: undo your boot laces/zip them half way if you're wearing them through the customs. Sometimes they may ask you to remove them, for scans, and struggling with shoe lace aint a pretty sight (I've done it myself)

That's all I have for now. How I look forward to getting on a plane for a holiday again.

Second day of the year in a plane. Now life should be like that.

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