Saturday, 12 January 2013

Darmstadt - 132

The key is also to having a very poor memory.

I find myself at the mercy of having that. Either I remember it or I don't. Short Term Memory stays inside me for about half a year before it disappears.

Got lost within 4 streets away from the Leipzig HauptBahnHof. I don't know how is that possible, but that's what happened to me. A side-effect having walked too many streets already. I know how to go there roughly, but how far or which direction is lost on me.

I also can't list you all the places I've been to, only able to point them out in photographs or on a map.

So this is Leipzig. So many shopping centers. Essentially it feels like Cologne, with the big shopping streets and more visitors than the capital city(Düsseldorf to Cologne, and Dresden is to Leipzig). I hate being a tourist.

And there's a music trail where you can visit all the historic places related to Europe's biggest composers. I managed to walk all the way to number 10 ( including backtracking and getting lost) before stopping for the day. It's a long trial within the city, so it's best to go during the Summer with a group of like-minded people who want to see these buildings.

It will be a long walk. But to see all the buildings are worth it. I'm being weird again.

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