Sunday, 13 January 2013

Darmstadt - 133

The last day on the last overseas trip for Germany 12/13.

I'm in Halle.

I feel kinda miserable. Trying to enjoy as much of it as I can before I go home. After all, the ability to jump on a train and go out to a new city isn't much possible in Singapore. It's the only city. Kudos for being tiny,

In someways this was what I always wanted to do, with such flexibility and fun. I got my wish, I'm happy.

And now it has to end. Life's great, all right. As one gets used to living in a particular place, and when you fully experience the best part of it, it's time to leave. Things always seem at its best just as you're gonna leave.

If this is normal, then I believe I don't have much to say. Just hope it doesn't have to be like this always.

Greetings from Halle. 

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