Saturday, 12 November 2011

Music, Thread, Small Canon Bag

Let's see. School started on the 17th of October, and the coming week would be the 5th week of school, where I have a bajillion assignments due, all at the same time.

And this is when my mother decides its the best time to paint the house. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this.

You know what that means, don't you? I have to pack up my things, stuff them into whatever space I can find, and still arrange for my regular study schedule. I have 5 assignments due, 3 or more tests, and all my mother can think about is how my color choice would clash with the rest of the new colors of the house.

I chose a sky blue color. And got pretty much berated about it, since the color palette is warm, limited, and boring. There's green with like 80% white, pink with 70% white, pale, pale yellow and orange tinge, and out of nowhere comes blue. 
1. I like blue.
2. Blue is NOT a boy's color. Don't put labels on colors. There is no such thing as a boy's colors or girl's colors, or Mummy's colors or Daddy's colors, or Colors We Should Be Choosing.
That is the worst of them all. You don't pull a plug by limiting the colors that can be chosen. If I had my way I'll fit in 2 shades of blue in the same room. Hey, it's my room. You're not gonna spend time in it, as long as it looks pleasing to me, why would you want to say so much about color? There is no such thing as a insulting color. You can paint the walls black but hang up plenty of photos and pictures, and it will still look nice. And if you're so controlling that the colors must be perfect, then just paint our house white. I'll still hang stuff. I'm still considering to paint a mural. choosing color= flexibility. There is no such thing as half a flexibility. 

So my desk is cleaned out, save for a pencil case and a calender, and a couple of notebooks. And they started to move stuff into my room, even though I'm the one who has more schoolwork now and more assignments due, but no, they don't care. I swore that I cleaned up my room myself, but no, I have to keep your stuff too. Amazingly these are the same folks who keep screaming at me to clean my room. Well, since you want me to clean my room, I've done it, without asking for help. 


My plan when all the painters are invading my house and putting new paint on the walls? Stay in school to study/do homework until they're done before I pack up and go home. Sounds like a pretty decent plan. I think I can live with that. They're too busy with going to Taiwan anyway, so why should I bother with they think? 

Yes, I stuffed my small camera bag with the sewing threads and Music CDs, and amazingly they all fit in the cupboard space without being squashed. Now her new grouse is that I stick post it's on the cupboard doors to tell me where my stuff is. Look, it works, and it's not permanent.

Actually I planned to keep the Post its there as long as I like. My room never looked cleaner.

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